Nothin’ better than goin’ out on a Friday night after a long week. You and your family or friends meet at your favourite spot! Y’all get some beers, appetizers, wings and just enjoy the night! On your way out you grab a minty toothpick to get rid of the leftovers in your teeth! YUCK!

When you’re done with the toothpick you typical toss it out…but what if I told you it’s now a fashion trend!

Toothpicks may not convey luxury or fashion, but someone thinks it does. Canadian entrepreneur Peter Smith saw a business opportunity with these little wooden sticks. The Toronto-based founder and CEO of Daneson sells toothpicks, but not just any minty toothpicks, Peter Smith sells luxury toothpicks made from American milled northern white birch that come in six flavors: bourbon, single malt, ginger honey, lemon, mint and cinnamint?

A four-bottle pack starts at $25. With just 12 toothpicks per bottle, that’s 50 cents per toothpick!

A basic little plastic jar of 250 Touch Round Toothpicks costs about $2…that’s less than 1 cent per toothpick.

Well then there ya go…we replaced the fidget spinner with expensive twigs!

~ Ryan

Filed under: fashion, toothpick, trend