Here is the recipe:

What you’ll need:

Quarter cup of melted butter, three shredded Yukon Gold potatoes, 1 1/2 of shredded Bergeron cheese (feel free to use the cheese of your choice), 2 eggs, 2 green onions, 2 pieces of pre-cooked bacon (sliced), 1 pepper

Seasonings: Salt, Pepper, Paprika


  1. Melt butter in pan
  2. Sauté shredded potatoes in pan until golden brown
  3. Add cheese into pan, begin mixing
  4. Add green onion, bacon, pepper
  5. Let it cook for a few minutes, then add egg
  6. Let egg cook
  7. Flip twice to ensure that both sides of the omelette cook

Take out of pan, and enjoy this great self isolation dish!

Filed under: COVID-19, food, recipes