I’m not even sure how this is possible.

But here we are. I guess I can safely say – I DID IT!

I began this challenge as a way to finally take the reigns on my health. My work out regime. An opportunity to quit smoking. A chance to finally quit smoking for good. And – I did.

I set goals for myself along the way – mini challenges to see through while I was going to the gym and working daily with my Personal Trainer, Tracy. I wanted to master a plank. A burpee. A push-up. The training was hard. But worth it.

When I didn’t see the type of weight loss I thought I would, I tried Keto and fell into a miserable sadness. I learned quickly this particular type of diet was simply not for me. But I had to try it to know. I gave into a low-carb diet, with the focus on protein instead. And that was enough to bring back my glow.

I finally got a chance to see my family doctor back in Kitchener. And got some interesting results.

It turns out, my family doctor was not satisfied with my thyroid results, and began me on medication right away. (I encourage you – if you feel symptomatic in any way, do not self-diagnose, but see your Health Care provider with your concerns. Always, always talk to a Doctor.)

Shout out to my incredible family. From my parents, to siblings, to my children and their cousins – every one has been an amazing support system.

Here’s my middle sister and my brother-in-law on our holidays, making sure we still got in a work-out.

Now that I’m gaining confidence, it’s time to push to new levels. For the first time in my adult life, I signed up for a rec sport.

And it’s important to show folks what the diet side looks like. Where once I rarely ate breakfast, I’ve instituted it as a part of my routine.

Given the holiday weekend, I did two check-ins with Tracy over the course of that week. So how would things shake out with getting established on thyroid medication?

Down 4lbs in just a few days. I’d say it’s working.

I gave into riding a bike – the first real time since being a teenager:

I’m still adamant to run a 5k in the fall. And that’s going to take training out doors. No matter how hard.

In Week 12, Tracy challenged me to try the most ridiculous way of standing up off the mat:

And we wrapped our final Coach’s corner that week, with a hint of sadness. I can’t believe the days are coming to a close.

And finally – the Week 12 Check In. One last week till we ramp up to the 90th Day of the 90 Day Challenge.

It’s still hard. But I’m not giving up.

Things I’ve learned –

Be gentle with your body. You’ve been one way for so long, everything takes time to adjust. We’re so used to everything happening in an instant. Be patient. And be prepared to work hard.

Don’t be deterred. It’s not easy. It hurts. And it will always hurt. Because as something gets easier – a push up, a burpee, leg presses – it’s time to up the ante, and move to the next level. It’s hard. And it just gets harder. The hard is what makes it great.

The toughest thing about the gym is getting through the door. If you’ve made that far, you’ve succeeded.

If you want to make a change, set a goal and do it. ‘Cause you can, you know.

Integrating a healthy, active lifestyle does not mean giving up the things you love. Yes, you can enjoy s’mores, and a bevvy, and macaroni salad. Everything in moderation. Your body is your temple. Treat it that way.

It’s not just your physical body that’s important. Your mind & spirit are equally important. I’ve broken down during work-outs. If you can’t, you can’t. If your mental health needs a day off – take it. And get back in the game tomorrow. Take care of all of you

And my advice —

Talk to your health care provider. Read everything. Talk to everyone. Learn everything. And make a plan that makes sense for you. At the Y, you have access to Personal Trainers with your membership. Utilize them.

Don’t take your body for granted. If you’re on the cusp of being a young adult, right now your metabolism is motoring along in a way that will eventually slow down. Be prepared, by investing in your body right now. Don’t wait. It’s as important as saving your money.

And, to that end – it’s not too late. You can be in your twenties, thirties, forties, seventies – it’s not too late to make healthy choices. To quit smoking. To get active. You can do it. You deserve to feel your absolute best.

Thank you to the YMCA of Kingston. To Tracy. To Mike. To Leslie. To the staff.

To all of you who have supported, motivated, and sent well wishes during the challenge.

I so hope to see all of you out on Friday. I’ll be at the Y Wright Crescent location from 10am – 3pm for the 90th Day. The final weigh-in. Zumba on the lawn. Exercises. Excitement. And I can’t wait for you to join me. Find the Facebook event HERE.

With my many, many thanks.

~ Care xo

Instagram HERE or Twitter HERE or Snapchat @care_finch


Filed under: 90 Day Challenge, YMCA Kingston