Week 6 done and gone already?

But … how? It feels like we just started this, but here we are at the halfway point.

If Month 1 was to get me into building healthy habits, then we certainly succeeded. Missing a work-out gives me the desire to make it up somewhere, somehow. I’m watching what I eat. Understanding if I enjoy a huge Easter feast, then that might mean I’ll go up on the scale or in my waist line – and being okay with the consequences, good or bad.

Month 2 has been strength training. Tracy has whipped my ass this week! Triceps, biceps, fully body work-outs. Squats, cardio warm-ups. It’s been amazing. And has required a rest day in between!



I’m not giving up. It’s tough. It’s hard. But it’s worth it.


And even when the scale goes up, the inches are coming OFF.

For the FIRST TIME since we started the challenge six weeks ago, I lost an inch and a half off my HIPS. And two inches off my LEGS.

You guys!


And it wasn’t just the weigh-in that had me holding back the tears. It was the side x side I’d been waiting to post. I wanted to post a half-way mark check in photo, and even I – for the first time – could finally see results. Finally


Keep pushing.

You got this. xo

Thank you to the YMCA of Kingston. My trainer, Tracy. Friends, famjam and all of you for your love and support.

Let’s do this, Week 7!

~ Care

Filed under: 90 Day Challenge, YMCA, YMCA of Kingston