Well, this isn’t what I had imagined.

I was so confident when I started the challenge. And then – life.

Friday, I had my check-in with Tracy. And I felt goodI felt ready. I felt like I’d be out at the gym on Sunday, giving my legs a chance to stop screaming at me on Saturday.

But – in a matter of hours – things all changed.

We survived a significant family emergency last weekend, in the wee hours of Sunday morning. And as we tried to get our bearings straight from it, suddenly, I was down with extreme chest pains, dizziness, and an impending cold.

Not only was my personal life seemingly spinning off into chaos, I started my brand new position on Monday and I wanted to put my best foot forward. To say the least – my priorities for the week shifted drastically.

But just because life happens, doesn’t meant the challenge is over. We can get caught off guard by all the craziness and wackiness the universe can offer us. But what we have to do is step up, brush ourselves off, and keep moving.

And find the wins!!!!

We got through the emergency last weekend. The hospital said my chest pains were from a pulled muscle, and not something worse. I caught up on lots of sleep, and now I’m at the tail end of my head cold. And the new show? It kicked off with a bang, and I’m super proud and excited about being in this new time slot.

PLUS – I am, once again, so richly reminded how great my family, friends and colleagues are. They each just wrapped their arms around me this week and squeezed me back to life. Major thanks to Tracy at the Y for checking in with me each day, and being incredibly encouraging.

I promised at the start of this challenge that I’d check in every Friday.

And yes, this morning, I hauled my carcass out at 7am to the Y. And we’ll try again for Week 6. We’ll kick ass in Week 6.


Learn more about the YMCA of Kingston right here.

See you next week!

~ Care xo

Instagram HERE or Twitter HERE or Snapchat @care_finch

Filed under: 90 Day Challenge, YMCA, YMCA Kingston, YMCA of Kingston