Google has now been apart of our lives for 20 years.

On September 4th, 1998 the search engine started.

Now it’s not just a noun, it’s verb, and it’s something we’ve all done. Googled ourselves.

Google has changed us. This is the good, the bad, and the ugly of Google.

The Good:


  • Google has made life so much easier. Just google it! Where’s the nearest Tims? Google it. Did the Jays win last night? Google it. For student going back to school, do you need to know the Quantum Effect Detected in Tiny Diamonds? Google it.
  • And it’s far and above other searches like Bing, the extinct AltaVista, and remember Ask Jeeves? I googled it to find out if Jeeves is still a thing. Jeeves isn’t there anymore.

The Bad:


It’s affecting our memory. It’s so easy just to google something, research has shown that we don’t remember as much. And worse, when asked a question, our first thought is “let me google that”.

The Ugly:


Google yourself. Oh yeah, stuff you didn’t think was out there IS out there…



I asked how much you use Google:

I wonder if those 23% who live on Google asked Google for the answer.

So 20 years later, what have we googled the most? Take a listen to the top 3 things we google (and you are totally guilty of them):

Filed under: google