I didn’t think about it, I climbed up and God helped me.”


This is simply incredible. People around the world are calling a 22-year-old undocumented Malian migrant a real-life hero after he scaled a Paris building to rescue a young child hanging from a balcony- in less than 40 seconds.


French President Emmanuel Macron met this morning with Mamoudou Gassama and rewarded his “exceptional act” with papers to legalize his stay, citizenship if he wants and an offer of his dream job with the Paris fire brigade.  “You saved a child. Without you, no one knows what would have become of him,” the president said. “You need courage and the capability to do that.”






Not all heroes wear capes.


The French media reported that the father of the small child was detained for alleged parental neglect and was not home at the time.







Filed under: france, hero, kevin-and-sonia, spider-man, toddler