

Why hello there! Miss Bandit came into our care recently when she was surrendered to us when the owner had too many animals to care for. She is a mother of five and has watched them all grow up into wonderful kittens. After taking great care of them she is hoping that there will be a family that will start taking care of her and allowing her to be the cat she always wants to be. Bandit is an affectionate lady that loves the attention of most and will gratefully accept the affection from her human companions. Do you have a loving family that will ensure Bandit is well looked after? Drop by the shelter to meet this beautiful lady!
For more on Bandit click here
If you would like to adopt Bandit or any of the other “Friday Fur Balls” visit or stop by Kingston Humane Society at 1 Binnington CRT.
For more information contact the Kingston Humane Society at 613 546-1291


Filed under: caturday-cat, kingston-humane-society, urban-paws