Choppers – Tribute

Air Force helicopters will be flying at low altitudes over Kingston and landing on the grounds of the Vimy Officers’ Mess this afternoon.

They’re rehearsing the traditional Missing Man Formation Fly Past in preparation for Colonel Brian Derry’s Celebration of Life Ceremony tomorrow.  They’ll fly again during the ceremony tomorrow afternoon.

Colonel Derry was slated to take command of 1 Wing in Kingston this summer.  He passed away after a brief illness on May 30th in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

He was serving as the Deputy Command Centre Director at NORAD and U.S. Northern Command.

Sexual Assault Sentence

A Kingston man is going to prison for almost three years after pleading guilty to sexually assaulting a 16 year old early last year.  Christopher Shurtliff will also be placed on the Sex Offender Registry for 20 years.

Shurtliff has already spent nine months behind bars.

Court was told he sexually assaulted the 16 year old in early 2015 after she had run away from home.  She was living with Shurtliff at the time of the sexual assault.


An inmate has walked away from the minimum security unit at Joyceville Institution.

Staff found 44 year old Roger Strome was missing during a count yesterday.  He was serving a 10 plus years for property related offences including: Break and Enter, Possession Property Obtained by Crime and theft.

A warrant has been issued for his arrest.

Kingston – Pop-Up Toronto

Kingston will be popping up in Toronto this weekend.

Tourism Kingston is promoting the city with something called Kingston Alley on Ossington Avenue in Toronto.

The pop-up display will feature Kingston’s food, micro-breweries, music, arts and artisans…and they’ll have their stuff there for sale.

There will be live music, chef demonstrations and food – all to promote the upcoming Limestone City Tattoo Festival and Kingston as a destination for tourists.  Tattoo artist Andrew Ottenhof will be available to tattoo guests all weekend long.


Members of the Union of Solicitor General Employees and the Union of National Defence Employees have held information pickets in Kingston.  The union members were taking part in the Public Service Alliance of Canada National Day of Action.  They took time during their lunch hour yesterday to stage the information pickets outside Collins Bay Institution and CFB Kingston.

The Public Service Alliance says the new Liberal government has simply recycled Conservative bargaining proposals and it is demanding fairness in the current round of negotiations.

Distracted Driving

Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community will hold two “Checkpoints” in Kingston today to count how many people are using hand held devices while driving.

The count will take place at the Bath Rd. and Sir John A. Macdonald intersection from 12:30 until 1:30 this afternoon and at the corner of Fort Henry Hill and Highway 2 from 2 – 3 pm

Art McDonald

Queen’s University’s Nobel winning physics professor will be honoured at the Ontario Legislature today.  Professor emeritus Art McDonald will visit Queen’s Park this morning.

He will be recognized in the legislature around 10:30 this morning in honour of his Nobel Prize-winning research on neutrino oscillations.

Tip of the Transmitter

From Tony’s Today in History file…a tip of the transmitter to American inventor Edwin Howard Armstrong.

On this day, June 9, 1934, Armstrong staged the first successful field test of FM radio.

He had already invented a way to amplify the sounds of broadcasts using vacuum tubes.  So, Armstrong is essentially responsible for you being able to hear radio broadcasts and FM radio.



Filed under: art-mcdonald, choppers, demonstration, distracted-driving, institution, joyceville, Kingston, pop-up-toronto, sexual-assault-sentence, transmitter, tribute, walkaway