The “R-word” has found a place in common language and seems to be accepted by most, despite the fact that its use, casual or otherwise, is hurtful to millions of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and those who love them.

SW Spotlight

March 4th is Spread the Word to End the Word, a day to build awareness for society to stop and think about its’ use of the R-word. Use of that R-word, “retard” or “retarded,” is hurtful and painful and whether intended or not, is a form of bullying. Most people don’t think of this word as hate speech, but that’s exactly what it feels like to millions of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families and friends. The R-word is just as cruel and offensive as any other slur.

Language affects attitudes. Attitudes impact actions. Visit  to pledge and support the elimination of the derogatory use of the r-word from everyday speech and promote the acceptance and inclusion of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Eliminating the use of this word is a step toward respect.

Big G and Matty had Sherrill Boyes from Community Living Kingston on to talk more about what we can all do the Spread the Word to End The Word